
/Наука и Техника/Математика

A Primer in Game Theory — Gibbons R.
A Primer in Game Theory
Gibbons R.
год издания — 1992, кол-во страниц — 288, ISBN — 0-7450-1159-4, 0-7450-1160-8, язык — англ., тип обложки — мягк., масса книги — 400 гр., издательство — Harvester Wheatsheat
Сохранность книги — хорошая

Формат 70x100 1/16
ключевые слова — игр, операц, поставк, запас, байес,

This book introduces one of the most powerful tools of modern economics to a wide audience — not only those who will specialize as pure game theorists but also those who will construct (or even just consume) game-theoretic models in applied fields of economics. Gibbons emphasizes the economic applications of the theory as well as the pure theory itself; formal arguments about abstract games play a minor role. The variety of applications shows that similar issues arise in different areas of economics, and that the same game-theoretic tools can be applied in each setting. To emphasize the broad potential scope of the theory, applications are drawn from industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, financial economics, and international economics.

Robert Gibbons is Associate Professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University.

An outstanding introduction to game theory: clear, concise, and chock-full of examples. Applied economists who don't know game theory will want to learn from this book, and experts will want to teach from it.

David Kreps, Stanford University

The strength of this book is the use of a slew of examples from the recent literature. Gibbons has a gift for boiling these problems down to simple and manageable proportions, and they add enormous interest to the work. Most of the examples are of great interest in and of themselves — it was hard to put the book down. This integration of theory and applications is what everybody wants to see in a book of this kind.

Sherwin Rosen, University of Chicago

This book's blend between theory and applications is outstanding. The examples, which are an integral part of each chapter, make a convincing case for learning the techniques while also introducing many recent advances in the applied fields of economics. This book is a must for both students and established researchers who want to master applied game theory.

James Poterba, MIT


1 Static Games of Complete Information1
1.1 Basic Theory: Normal-Form Games and Nash Equilibrium2
1.1.A Normal-Form Representation of Games2
1.1.В Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies4
1.1.C Motivation and Definition of Nash Equilibrium8
1.2 Applications14
1.2.A Cournot Model of Duopoly14
1.2.B Bertrand Model of Duopoly21
1.2.C Final-Offer Arbitration22
1.2.D The Problem of the Commons27
1.3 Advanced Theory: Mixed Strategies and Existence of Equilibrium29
1.3.A Mixed Strategies29
1.3.B Existence of Nash Equilibrium33
1.4 Further Reading48
1.5 Problems48
1.6 References51
2 Dynamic Games of Complete Information55
2.1 Dynamic Games of Complete and Perfect Information57
2.1.A Theory: Backwards Induction57
2.1.В Stackelberg Model of Duopoly61
2.1.С Wages and Employment in a Unionized Firm64
2.1.D Sequential Bargaining68
2.2 Two-Stage Games of Complete but Imperfect Information71
2.2.A Theory: Subgame Perfection71
2.2.B Bank Runs73
2.2.C Tariffs and Imperfect International Competition75
2.2.D Tournaments79
2.3 Repeated Games82
2.3.A Theory: Two-Stage Repeated Games82
2.3.B Theory: Infinitely Repeated Games88
2.3.C Collusion between Cournot Duopolists102
2.3.D Efficiency Wages107
2.3.E Time-Consistent Monetary Policy112
2.4 Dynamic Games of Complete but Imperfect Information115
2.4.A Extensive-Form Representation of Games115
2.4.B Subgame-Perfect Nash Equilibrium122
2.5 Further Reading129
2.6 Problems130
2.7 References138
3 Static Games of Incomplete Information143
3.1 Theory: Static Bayesian Games and Bayesian Nash Equilibrium144
3.1.A An Example: Cournot Competition under Asymmetric Information144
3.1.В Normal-Form Representation of Static Bayesian Games146
3.1.С Definition of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium149
3.2 Applications152
3.2.A Mixed Strategies Revisited152
3.2.B An Auction155
3.2.C A Double Auction158
3.3 The Revelation Principle164
3.4 Further Reading168
3.5 Problems169
3.6 References172
4 Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information173
4.1 Introduction to Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium175
4.2 Signaling Games183
4.2.A Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium in Signaling Games183
4.2.B Job-Market Signaling190
4.2.C Corporate Investment and Capital Structure205
4.2.D Monetary Policy208
4.3 Other Applications of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium210
4.3.A Cheap-Talk Games210
4.3.В Sequential Bargaining under Asymmetric Information218
4.3.C Reputation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma224
4.4 Refinements of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium233
4.5 Further Reading244
4.6 Problems245
4.7 References253

Книги на ту же тему

  1. Совершенный стратег или букварь по теории стратегических игр, Вильямс Д. Д., 1960
  2. Теория игр, Оуэн Г., 1971
  3. Теоретико-игровые методы синтеза сложных систем в конфликтных ситуациях, Крапивин В. Ф., 1972
  4. Теоретико-игровые модели принятия решений в эколого-экономических системах, Горелик В. А., Кононенко А. Ф., 1982
  5. Кооперативные игры и рынки, Розенмюллер И., 1974
  6. Элементы теории игр. — 2-е изд., стереотип., Вентцель Е. С., 1961
  7. Введение в прикладную теорию игр, Дюбин Г. Н., Суздаль В. Г., 1981
  8. Игры и решения. Введение и критический обзор, Льюс Р. Д., Райфа Х., 1961
  9. Итеративные методы в теории игр и программировании, Беленький В. З., Волконский В. А., Иванков С. А., Поманский А. Б., Шапиро А. Д., 1974
  10. Математические модели конфликтных ситуаций, Саати Т. Л., 1977
  11. Математические методы исследования операций, Саати Т. Л., 1963
  12. Исследование операций в военном деле, Чуев Ю. В., 1970
  13. Современное состояние теории исследования операций, Моисеев Н. Н., ред., 1979
  14. Исследование операций, Динер И. Я., 1969
  15. Теория максимина и её приложение к задачам распределения вооружения, Данскин Д. М., 1970
  16. В поисках правильного решения (О принципах рациональной деятельности человека), Горстко А. Б., 1970
  17. Оптимальные решения в экономике, Канторович Л. В., Горстко А. Б., 1972
  18. Линейное программирование: Пособие для экономистов, Габр Я., 1960
  19. Экономико-математические методы. Вып. III: Экономико-математические модели народного хозяйства, 1966
  20. Управление запасами, Рыжиков Ю. И., 1969
  21. Моделирование цепи поставок, Шапиро Д., 2006

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